HACCP Planning for the digital age

Stop drowning in food safety paperwork. Our AI-powered platform turns complex compliance into clear, automated workflows that keep you audit-ready 24/7.

Stop drowning in food safety paperwork. Our AI-powered platform turns complex compliance into clear, automated workflows that keep you audit-ready 24/7.

Instant hazard analysis that never misses a risk

Instant hazard analysis that never misses a risk

Upload your ingredient list and get a complete hazard analysis in seconds. Our AI identifies every physical, chemical, and biological risk—faster and more thoroughly than digging through FDA Guidelines.

Seamless digital integration

Upload your PDF HACCP plans and watch as we digitize your plan and automate the creation of monitoring schedules, and GFSI gap analysis.

Your 24/7 compliance assistant

Chat with an AI that knows every FDA and USDA regulation by heart. No more hunting through guidelines or second-guessing decisions. Fast and accurate answers and automated updates when regulations change.

The perfect blend of technology and expertise

The perfect blend of technology and expertise

The perfect blend of technology and expertise

Pair our AI platform with our certified food safety experts for white-glove service. Join food manufacturers across the country who sleep better knowing their compliance is automated.

Pair our AI platform with our certified food safety experts for white-glove service. Join food manufacturers across the country who sleep better knowing their compliance is automated.

Pair our AI platform with our certified food safety experts for white-glove service. Join food manufacturers across the country who sleep better knowing their compliance is automated.